Rap Fame Weekly Tournament
Apple, Inc. and Google, Inc. are not sponsors or, or responsible, for conducting the contest.
Every week we announce the topic for the next week and reward the winner of the week.
Prize for the winner-
1 month or Premium account +100 respect points!
Placement on the Featured Users list
Top-5 rappers –
get 900, 600, 300, 300, 300 benjis
and 100, 80, 60, 40, 20 respect points!
People’s Choice Award –
(in case the winner, chosen by the Rap Fame Team, is different from the rapper with the most votes)
+100 respect points
What is a weekly tournament?
Rap Fame Weekly Tournament is a contest to identify the best rapper who has creatively addressed the tournament topic and demonstrated such artistic skills as rhyming, rhythm, delivery and flow.
Rap Fame Weekly Tournament is not a battle rap tournament, there is no direct opponent in this type of competition. Therefore it is prohibited to battle or ambiguously insult users, listeners and entrants. Since it is impossible to foresee all the cases, the Rap Fame Team asks you to rely on common sense. Whether your track goes beyond the boundaries of common sense is determined by the tournament referees. To avoid any dispute, please, leave your best punchlines for battles and battle tournaments.
Who are the tournament referees?
The winners are chosen by the Rap Fame Team. Each week this may be different people: administration, celebrity referees or tournament partners and sponsors.
How the winners are chosen?
The tournament referees select the winners from the tournament shortlist, consisting of 25 tracks. The shortlist includes:
20 tracks with the most votes in the tournament;
+ 5 WILD CARD tracks (Rap Fame choice).
The top-5 winners are chosen by the Rap Fame team from this shortlist.
In partner tournaments, partners choose the winners from the shortlist.
In selecting the winners, the referees are guided by the key criteria:
the track should go in line with a tournament topic;
the track should be recorded by the author himself;
the track should not insult entrants, users, listeners, the Rap Fame Team.
In case the Rap Fame Team did not choose the winners, the prizes in a weekly tournament are split according to users’ voting.
“People’s Choice Award” is given to a participant who gets the most likes from Rap Fame users.
IMPORTANT: By entering the tournament, you agree that the opinion of judges may not coincide with your or your friends’ opinion (however, it does not mean your track is bad and unworthy of victory).
How can I upload the track for the tournament?
You can upload the track all week long. Remember: The earlier you upload the track, the more time people will have to vote for you!
Can I upload another track?
Yes, you can upload the track all week long. But when you upload the track all votes for previous track will disappear.
What are the requirements for the track?
The track must be recorded by the author himself.
The track must correlate with the topic of the tournament.
The track must never insult* Rap Fame users, judges and listeners (the judges will determine the boundaries of humor and ambiguity. While submitting your track to the tournament, be guided by your common sense).
Additional requirements may be applied in some tournaments. These rules will be communicated accordingly.
* - The administration reserves the right to remove tracks and comments without explanation, in its sole discretion. If you think that any tournament track insults you, you can let us know by hitting a “Report” button next to a track or a user.
By submitting your track, you agree to Terms and Conditions of Rap Fame Tournaments.